Author name: admin

Catalyst Mental Health founder Jenan Nasserdeen stands in an office after hosting a corporate mental health training session.

Why Corporations Choose Our Mental Health Training

The last thing any corporate leadership team wants to do is invest in workplace mental health training only to eventually realize the experience being provided falls short of expectations. The investment has to be worthwhile.  It’s this potential for less-than-ideal results that stops decision makers from prioritizing corporate wellness initiatives. The question is always lingering— …

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A group of corporate executives listens intently during an in-person mental health training seminar.

Virtual VS In-Person Mental Health Training: Which is Right For Your Team?

You want to give your team everything they need to thrive and succeed. Not just because it’s your responsibility as a leader, or because you’re aware of the connection between emotional wellness and productivity, but because you value their efforts. You’ve noticed burnout levels have reached a critical point recently. It’s becoming more and more …

Virtual VS In-Person Mental Health Training: Which is Right For Your Team? Read More »

A blog header graphic showing a female employee sitting at a computer during a virtual team meeting, signifying the need for work from home mental health programs.

Navigating Employee Mental Health in the Remote Work Era

The sudden shift to remote and hybrid working arrangements left many employers scrambling to adapt (in more ways than one). COVID arrived, the world changed, and a massive game of corporate catch-up began. It’s a change that was difficult for all parties. Employees struggled to maintain and exceed productivity rates, while businesses fought to remain …

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