We don’t just do the work. We live by our mission, vision and values every moment of every day.

Keeping scrolling to learn more about Catalyst Mental Health and the work we're doing to create healthier and happier workplaces for all Canadians.
Why Mental Health Matters

To improve the way individuals, businesses, communities, and societies address mental illness and addiction, we must all be aware of mental health stigma and its implications.

Our mental health instructors are dedicated to equipping teams with the skills, knowledge and tools required to become confident allies and capable support systems to anyone struggling with mental illness.

A group of happy participants gathers after completing corporate mental health training with Catalyst.

We are fierce mental health warriors who advocate for:


Years of Experience


Keynote Attendees


Training Sessions

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The Impact of Poor Mental Health in the Workplace

Mental illness and substance use problems have profound and far-reaching repercussions for businesses, including:

Lost Productivity

Depression and anxiety cost the Canadian economy almost $50 billion a year in lost productivity and more than 500,000 Canadian workers call in sick each week.


High amounts of work stress and life conflict have been proven to reduce job satisfaction. This contributes to absenteeism, with the average full-time Canadian worker missing 9.3 days per year.​

Employee Turnover

50% of Canadians who left their job in 2022 cited burnout and poor mental health as the primary reason.

That's Where We Come In

We deliver high-impact, interactive training sessions to businesses, organizations, and institutions across the country, helping them cultivate a company culture of transparency, validation, and connection.

Why Hire Us?

Invest in the Best MHFA Training For Your Team

We believe our commitment to excellence and our unique approach to training delivery make us the best choice for your needs. We really are more than Mental Health First Aid trainers, we’re individuals who care deeply about  strengthening corporate teams and helping people thrive.

Here’s what makes us different:

Quality Material

Our mental health experts deliver high-impact, interactive training sessions to businesses, organizations, and institutions across the country.


Catalyst Mental Health is certified by the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) to offer Mental Health First Aid.


We have more than 25 years of experience in the mental health industry.


At Catalyst Mental Health, we don’t just do the work. We live by our mission, vision and values every moment of every day!


We offer Group Training Sessions in person or online— whatever works best for you and your team!


We get people connected to tried, tested and true resources that meet their immediate and future needs.

What People Say About Catalyst Mental Health

Darcy W.

“This training was very interesting and useful. I would recommend anyone who works in Human Services take this course.”

Emma K.

“Jenan and Sasha were incredible! They made this learning experience so smooth and easy to understand. Highly recommend them!”

Peggy F.

“Mental Health First Aid! Great course.”

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