Fri, 07 Feb 2025 21:54:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 5 Practical Strategies for Coping With Political Stress Fri, 07 Feb 2025 21:52:39 +0000 We’re living through intense political upheaval right now, and it’s weighing on our well-being. With social media and constant news updates, the discord is only getting louder, fueling anxiety and leaving us overwhelmed.   It’s something we’re all experiencing to varying degrees, but here’s the big question—is this turning into a major mental health crisis? And …

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A woman is doomscrolling on her phone late at night while in bed, representing political stress.

We’re living through intense political upheaval right now, and it’s weighing on our well-being. With social media and constant news updates, the discord is only getting louder, fueling anxiety and leaving us overwhelmed.  

It’s something we’re all experiencing to varying degrees, but here’s the big question—is this turning into a major mental health crisis? And if so, how do we cope and regain control over the stress it’s causing?

We’re unpacking political stress and offering practical ways to handle it. Keep reading for all the details.

The Proven Link Between Political Division and Mental Health

The mental health impact of politics, especially during periods of social and ideological turmoil, isn’t just speculation. Research consistently shows that political events directly impact our mental and emotional well-being.

Here are a few powerful numbers that shed light on the issue:

  • Only 43% of Canadians trust the federal government to do what is right for Canada (Source)
  • 87% of therapists say they’ve discussed politics while in-session with clients (Source)
  • About 33% of adults say politics have made them feel exhausted, lose sleep, get angry, lose their temper, or develop compulsive habits.. (Source)
  • 60% of Americans said the 2024 presidential election threatened their mental health. (Source)
  • 27.3% of people suffer from “moderately problematic” levels of news consumption and another 16.5% suffer from “severely problematic” levels. (Source)

What is Political Stress?

Political stress, also known as political anxiety,  is a chronic state of fear, tension, or exhaustion resulting from constant exposure to polarizing or highly-distressing media coverage.

Signs You May Be Experiencing Political Stress

We’ve talked about what political stress is and how it impacts well-being, but how can you tell if it’s happening to you? Let’s explore the signs so you can recognize them.

  • Feeling overwhelmed by sorrow, anxiety, outrage, or disillusionment in relation to  current political or societal challenges.
  • Quickly becoming irritated or experiencing volatile emotions  during discussions about politics with others.
  • Losing track of time scrolling through social media, watching political videos, and reading news, especially if you’re staying up late into the night to do so.
  • Sensing physical strain, including headaches, muscle tension, or disrupted sleep, after engaging with political content.
  • Choosing to spend more time alone, preemptively preparing for clashes or disputes with others over political opinions (even without having spoken to them).

5 Practical Strategies for Coping With Political Stress

We know political stress can wear us down, but here’s the good news—it doesn’t have to take over. With the right strategies, you can manage and prevent it before it impacts your mental health.

Here’s how to overcome political stress with simple coping techniques:

1. Avoid Constant Exposure to the News

The overconsumption of news is the root cause of politically-induced stress, so limiting your exposure significantly alleviates symptoms and brings relief. But this is often easier said than done.

24-hour news cycles and social media algorithms are designed to keep you hooked, making it harder to step away. This is where setting healthy boundaries makes all the difference. Start small, then gradually build on your progress—a step-by-step approach is the key to lasting, sustainable change.

Examples of healthy boundaries include:

  • Avoiding the news for at least one hour before bed
  • Muting or unfollowing accounts that cause anxiety or frustration
  • Regularly logging off social media or scheduling “news-free” days to reset
  • Restricting news and social media consumption to a specific time each day (e.g., one hour each day)
  • Turning off news alerts to reduce unnecessary stress and interruptions

2. Prioritize Self-Care

When stress takes over, our brains go into survival mode, making it harder to focus on self-care. The amygdala, which processes fear, becomes overactive while the prefrontal cortex—the part responsible for planning and decision-making—gets suppressed. This is why it can feel impossible to prioritize rest, healthy eating, or relaxation.

Fortunately, maintaining a self-care routine (even when we aren’t stressed), helps stop our minds and bodies from going into emergency mode. And the best part? Self-care doesn’t have to be time-intensive or complicated. 

Quick and easy ways to practice self-care include:

  • Writing down things you’re grateful for
  • Savoring a cup of tea or coffee in peace
  • Spending time with loved ones and nurturing relationships
  • Take a relaxing bath with your favorite scents or Epsom salts
  • Doing a light workout or gentle yoga to release tension
  • Spending time outdoors to refresh and reconnect with nature

3. Build a Network of Supportive People

When we have people around us who really understand and appreciate us, it makes a huge difference. Having those connections makes us feel less stressed and isolated. They offer emotional support, spark healthy conversations, and remind us that we’re not in this alone. 

Instead of engaging with people who have different political views, try focusing on the supportive relationships you have (or building new ones with like-minded people). Whether it’s grabbing coffee with a friend who really listens and gets you, or volunteering for causes that matter to you—having a sense of belonging and surrounding yourself with people who share your values can work wonders for your mental well-being. It’s those connections that remind us we’re not alone and lift us up when we need it most.

4. Find Alternative Outlets for Your Emotions

An unhealthy relationship with the news can quickly lead to intense feelings and deep-rooted political stress. If you’re prone to doomscrolling (continuously scrolling through negative or distressing news on social media or websites) or engaging in arguments with strangers in the comments section of online posts, you may be struggling with overwhelming emotions like anger, frustration, or hopelessness.

Channeling these emotions into hobbies or activities you enjoy can be extremely beneficial. It allows you to express what you’re feeling in a healthy and productive way. 

Examples of alternative outlets include:

  • Kickboxing
  • Writing
  • Playing a musical instrument
  • Gardening
  • Woodworking or crafting

5. Talk to a Mental Health Professional

When political stress starts to feel too heavy, it’s important to know when to ask for help. If you’re struggling with things like intrusive thoughts, insomnia, or emotional ups and downs, a therapist can work with you to unpack what’s going on and guide you toward better mental health.

Don’t forget, many organizations provide free or discounted therapy for those who need it. The first step is reaching out to someone who can help guide you to the right resources.

Alberta Mental Health Help Line (Toll Free): 1-877-303-2642

Canada-Wide Support: 211 is a free, confidential helpline and online service that provides information and referrals to health, social, and government services. Dialing 211 connects you with a trained specialist who can help you navigate available resources in your area.

Don’t Let Stress Hold Your Team Back. Equip Them with the Tools They Need.

Stress is something we all face, but it doesn’t have to hold your team back. With corporate mental health training, your employees will gain the skills and support they need to handle challenges with confidence.

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7 Team-Based Mental Health Goals to Set in 2025 Wed, 15 Jan 2025 17:40:44 +0000 Too often, mental health is perceived as an individual responsibility. We’re conditioned to believe that if we’re burnt out, anxious, depressed, or just not ourselves, it’s a personal problem—one we should address and resolve on our own. This is not only untrue, but it has a profoundly negative effect on our well-being. Human beings are …

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Employees do a group high-five to celebrate setting team-based mental health goals for 2025.

Too often, mental health is perceived as an individual responsibility. We’re conditioned to believe that if we’re burnt out, anxious, depressed, or just not ourselves, it’s a personal problem—one we should address and resolve on our own.

This is not only untrue, but it has a profoundly negative effect on our well-being.

Human beings are social creatures. We thrive in community and, on the flip side, we struggle in isolation. There are many studies that confirm this, but one of the most compelling comes from the Vietnam War, which found that soldiers who had high levels of social support upon returning from the war were 180 times less likely to develop PTSD

Another study found that people with the highest social support (close family connections, thriving friendships, etc) experienced a 37% lower rate of major depression than those with the least support.

These types of findings demonstrate the importance of a collaborative approach to mental health, not just in our personal lives but in our professional ones as well. 

If employers want to inspire their teams, boost company culture, and create a more united workforce, it’s time to shift from focusing on individual mental health to embracing a team-based approach. But what does that look like, exactly?

One of the best ways to take collective action in the workplace is to set team-based mental health goals. By working together towards a common objective, employees can achieve measurable progress while supporting one another in shared initiatives.

Today, we’ll explore examples of mental health goals that benefit your team and your company, creating a win-win for everyone.

10 Team-Based Mental Health Goals to Set in 2025

1. Limit Weekly Meeting Hours

Meetings can drain productivity, leaving employees feeling overwhelmed and constantly behind. One of the best ways to tackle this is by implementing a company-wide policy that limits meeting hours for everyone. 

For example, capping meetings at 8 hours a week could make a huge difference. The specifics will depend on your company’s needs, but the key is raising awareness about the negative impact of excessive meetings and giving employees the power to manage their own time.

2. Increase PTO Usage

Supporting team mental health means encouraging employees to take the paid vacation days, sick leave days, and other forms of time off they’re entitled to. When employees step away to recharge, they return refreshed, more focused, and ready to tackle challenges. 

You can set PTO goals like:

  • Ensuring personalized alerts are sent to employees each quarter, reminding them to review and use their PTO.
  • An annual team goal to collectively use at least 90% of allotted PTO by December 31st.
  • Host a friendly competition where the first team to fully schedule their PTO for the year wins an incentive.

3. Train All Managers in Mental Health First Aid

When managers are trained in mental health first aid, they become powerful allies for their teams. They can spot the early signs of stress, offer support, and connect employees with the right resources. 

By making MHFA training mandatory for managers, you can ensure your company leaders are capable of providing the guidance and support needed to make meaningful changes.

You can set company goals like:

  • 100% of new managers must complete MHFA training within three months of their hire date.
  • Quarterly MHFA training sessions will be held to ensure all managers are trained within the year.
  • Every manager will complete MHFA training by the end of Q4.

4. Boost Daily Break Utilization

You don’t always have to think big when setting workplace mental health goals. Small targets are often a great way to motivate your team and achieve sustainable, long-lasting results. 

Let’s take the daily breaks your employees are entitled to. Every employee in Canada is required to take a 30-minute lunch break if they work an 8-hour shift, and two thirty-minute breaks for every 10-hour shift—but many skip these breaks or cut them short in order to keep up with the demands of their role.

Setting goals to ensure your team members are utilizing their full daily breaks is a simple yet highly impactful way to protect the mental health of your team. 

Great examples of daily break goals include:

  • Have 100% of teams take their full daily breaks consistently for one month by the end of Q2.
  • Launch a friendly competition where teams earn rewards for taking full breaks every day.
  • Have employees send fun, creative reminders (like gifs and funny messages) to their teammates to remind them it’s time for a break. Aim to have 90% of employees send a reminder or participate in the activity each week.

5. Acts of Kindness Challenges

We never know the struggles a coworker may be going through. A simple gesture of kindness is a wonderful way to let others know they aren’t alone and that they matter. If you’re looking for goals to improve employee wellness, committing to a company-wide acts of kindness challenge is a great way to make a difference.

You can get your entire team involved by sharing goals like:

  • Create a points system where employees earn points for each act of kindness. Aim to have all employees earn 50 points by the end of each month.
  • Host a quarterly Acts of Kindness Challenge with a goal of 500 logged acts of kindness across the company by the end of the challenge, and 80% of employees providing feedback on the impact.
  • Host an Acts of Kindness day every month. On that day, match each team with another team (i.e. sales team gets matched with operations team), and challenge them to do something thoughtful and nice for each other.

6. Weekly Creativity Sessions

When your employees spend day after day focused on functional, performance-based assignments, it’s easy for them to start feeling depleted and uninspired. Making space for imaginative exploration can do wonders for restoring your team’s enthusiasm.

Try setting team-based mental health goals that encourage creativity, like:

  • Organizing monthly brainstorming sessions where teams develop fun or innovative ideas to improve workplace processes or morale. Hold one session per team each month, ensuring that every employee participates in at least one session during the quarter.

  • Create a shared mural, quilt, or digital artwork where employees contribute their designs or ideas. Ensure at least 80% of employees contribute to the project, completing it within six weeks.

  • Set up a physical wall, whiteboard, or corkboard for employees to share creative solutions or fun ideas for workplace improvements. Collect at least 50 unique ideas from employees within a month, with at least 70% of employees contributing at least one idea.

7. Conduct Workload Balance Audits

Employee burnout is a major cause of poor mental health in the workplace. One study found 42% of Canadian workers feel mentally or physically exhausted at the end of their workday—putting them at an increased risk for diminished productivity, increased absenteeism, and mental distress.

One of the best ways to raise awareness about burnout is by setting team goals that contribute to improved workload balance. This way, you can identify tasks that are unnecessarily time-consuming or redundant, and encourage honest discussions about workload capacity, which helps reduce stigma.

Here are examples of mental health goals you can set to better balance workloads:

  • Schedule monthly task prioritization sessions to help employees and teams learn how to organize tasks effectively and delegate when needed. Achieve 90% participation in these sessions.
  • Encourage employees to experiment with time-blocking techniques to allocate specific hours for focused work, breaks, and meetings. Have 90% of employees try time blocking for at least one week. If there’s an improvement in stress levels, implement it as a permanent practice.
  • Distribute anonymous quarterly workload surveys to employees to assess workload levels and identify areas of imbalance. Aim to have at least 75% of respondents report manageable workloads within six months.

Strengthen Team Bonds With Mental Health Training

At Catalyst Mental Health, we know wellness thrives in community. That’s why our trainings go beyond lectures—they spark engaging conversations that bring your employees together, foster real connections, and drive meaningful change.

Ready to see your team thrive as a united force? Let’s make it happen.

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Holiday Stress at Work: 5 Simple Strategies to Support Your Team This Season Tue, 17 Dec 2024 18:15:45 +0000 The holidays aren’t always as joyful as they seem—this time of year can bring serious stress for employees trying to balance work, family, and personal responsibilities. From financial worries to emotional ups and downs, the season can take a toll on mental health. Great leaders understand these challenges and know how important it is to …

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A computer is seen with a christmas tree in the background, respresenting holiday stress at work.

The holidays aren’t always as joyful as they seem—this time of year can bring serious stress for employees trying to balance work, family, and personal responsibilities. From financial worries to emotional ups and downs, the season can take a toll on mental health. Great leaders understand these challenges and know how important it is to support their teams. 

The difficult part, of course, is knowing which approach is best when it comes to reducing holiday stress at work. Even the most well-intentioned employers can implement ineffective solutions, and you want to be sure you’re truly making a difference. After all, you know that creating a space where employees feel seen and cared for isn’t just kind—it’s the key to a healthier, happier workplace. 

Today, we’re diving into the telltale signs of employee holiday stress and uncovering 5 actionable strategies to tackle it head-on, because addressing it now can make all the difference for your team (and your business) in 2025 and beyond.

What Causes Poor Mental Health During the Holidays?

Christmas is known as a season of peace and joy, but unfortunately that isn’t the case for a lot of people. Many aspects of preparing or navigating this time of year lead to stress and overwhelm, leaving employees feeling isolated, exhausted, and frustrated.

Here are a few of the most common holiday stress causes:

1. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can worsen stress during the holidays, as shorter days and less sunlight affect mood and energy levels.

2. Financial Pressures

Holiday expenses like gifts, travel, and end-of-the-year bills can put serious financial pressure on your team. This stress often leads to distractions and dips in productivity.

3. Competing Demands

The holidays pull employees in every direction—work deadlines, family commitments, and social obligations all compete for their time. It’s a juggling act that often leads to burnout and stress.

4. Family Conflict

Family conflicts during the holidays can really take a toll on your employees. Between managing family expectations, navigating tensions, and dealing with personal struggles, it’s a lot to manage—and it can leave them feeling emotionally drained.

5. Burnout

Holiday burnout is no joke. Between year-end deadlines, personal to-do lists, and all the seasonal chaos, your team can end up feeling completely drained.

How to Spot Stressed Workers

As an employer, recognizing the signs of holiday stress is key to supporting your team through this busy season. With the right attention, you can help them thrive despite the challenges. 

Here are a few tell-tale signs to watch for:

  • Loss of interest in their work. When employees are stressed about the holidays, their mental energy is often drained by personal pressures, leaving little focus for work. This stress can cause disengagement, making it harder for them to stay motivated or productive.
  • Withdrawal. Many individuals isolate themselves as a way of coping with feeling overwhelmed. Keep an eye out for employees who are withdrawing from colleagues or avoiding social interactions.
  • Increased absenteeism. High levels of stress during the holidays can make it harder to show up for work. With too many personal pressures and responsibilities, your employees may lack the capacity to handle more.
  • Difficulty concentrating. Your employees may struggle to concentrate as their minds are preoccupied with racing thoughts of anxiety, frustration, and personal stress—leaving little mental capacity for their daily duties.
  • Changes in appearance. Have you noticed an employee has been neglecting personal grooming or showing up to work looking disheveled? Exhaustion from personal struggles and work pressures can make it hard to prioritize self-care.

5 Simple Strategies to Support Your Team Through Holiday Stress at Work

The holiday season can be tough on your team, but as an employer, you have a real chance to make a positive impact. Showing compassion and understanding can go a long way in helping reduce holiday stress and making employees feel cared for.

Here’s how you can manage holiday stress and foster a healthier, more productive environment:

1. Offer Flexible Schedules

Offering flexible work options is a great move, especially when your team is dealing with holiday stress or feeling down. It shows you care and helps them handle personal stuff while still getting work done. For example, letting employees change their hours or work from home gives them space to recharge, take care of family, or go to therapy. This not only helps their mental health but can also improve productivity.

2. Avoid Unnecessary Meetings​

Before you schedule another team brainstorming or debrief meeting, take a moment to ask yourself: can this wait until after the holidays? Your team is probably feeling the end-of-year burnout, and you’ll likely get better results when they’re well-rested and ready to tackle things in the New Year.

3. Check In Regarding Workloads

Don’t just assume your employees are fine with their workload, especially as Christmas approaches. Check in with them to see if they feel the expectations are realistic or if any challenges have come up since the tasks were assigned. Being flexible and helping them adjust timelines or milestones can make a huge difference and give them some much-needed relief.

4. Show Appreciation for Your Team

Your team has worked hard all year—why not show some appreciation before they head into the holidays? A little recognition can go a long way in making them feel valued. Whether it’s handing out peer-nominated awards, writing personal thank-you cards, or treating them to a special dinner, these gestures show you care and help keep your team loyal and motivated.

5. Provide Mental Health Training

Last but not least, mental health training is always a win for your team. Whether it’s before the holidays to help them manage stress or after to help them recharge and start the New Year strong, it’s a great way to give your team the tools they need to thrive. They’ll learn how to shift their mindset around mental wellbeing, spot signs of stress or burnout in themselves and others, and pick up practical coping strategies for tough times.

Ready to Help Your Employees Manage Stress and Thrive in the Workplace?​

Join us in being catalysts for change. It all starts with a simple commitment to empowering your team—and the decision to book mental health training.

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Employee Assistance Programs Vs Mental Health Training: What’s the Difference? Tue, 12 Nov 2024 14:36:07 +0000 You have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) in place for your team. You view employee wellness as a top priority, and you feel you’ve taken the necessary steps by providing access to these services. So when the topic of investing in corporate mental health training arises, it seems a bit excessive. The existing resources already …

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Two female employees review mental health training vs benefits coverage options using an ipad.

You have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) in place for your team. You view employee wellness as a top priority, and you feel you’ve taken the necessary steps by providing access to these services. So when the topic of investing in corporate mental health training arises, it seems a bit excessive. The existing resources already meet your team’s needs.

Or do they?

Absenteeism continues to be a challenge, with employees frequently calling in sick or taking unplanned time off. There’s also been a noticeable dip in morale. Although it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact cause, the team appears less engaged and less inclined to go the extra mile to succeed in their roles.

It leaves you questioning whether there’s something you’re overlooking.

In scenarios like these, relying on your intuition is often the best approach. If something feels out of balance, it’s a likely indication there’s a gap in employee wellness—one that mental health training might be the answer to.

Understanding the distinction between mental health training vs benefits coverage is the best starting point when seeking clarity. When you know exactly what both options cover (and don’t cover), it becomes easier to make an informed decision that not only benefits your team, but the business as a whole.

Keep reading for a comprehensive comparison of the two.

Employee Assistance Programs VS Mental Health Training: What’s the Difference?

1. Purpose

To accurately compare EAPs VS Mental Health Training, you need to have a foundational knowledge of the purpose behind each option. This is where the most noticeable difference lies. Let’s explore both.

The Purpose of Employee Assistance Programs

EAPs provide employees with confidential, immediate support during mental health crises or periods of declining well-being. They offer resources like counseling and assistance to help individuals cope, ensuring they receive timely care and minimizing impact on job performance.

The Purpose of Employee Mental Health Training

Employee mental health training focuses on preventing stress, burnout, and other mental health issues before they escalate. It equips employees with tools to manage stress, recognize early signs of mental strain, and promote emotional wellbeing.


2. Delivery

The delivery methods for EAPs and mental health training also differ. Depending on the provider, EAP services may be accessed through a 1-800 number, a referral network, on-site support, in-person, or over the phone. 

Corporate mental health training, however, is offered in one of two formats: virtual or in-person. It’s up to the employer to choose the delivery method that works best for their team.

3. Confidentiality

EAP services offer personal, confidential support for employees facing challenges like mental health concerns, family issues, or financial stress. The key feature of EAP mental health support is privacy. Employees can access one-on-one counseling with qualified professionals who guide them through their situations, all without their discussions being shared with their employer.

This differs from mental health training, which is offered in a group setting, either virtually or in-person. It’s focused on building a supportive workplace culture where everyone learns to recognize and address mental health needs together, creating an environment where team members feel empowered to support one another.

4. Outcomes

Results are another key variation between employee assistance programs vs mental health training. Employers should always consider the big-picture goal when determining which option is best for their team.

EAPs give employees the individual support they need to manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. These programs help reduce emotional strain and build resilience, enabling employees to feel more balanced and capable in both their work and personal lives.

Mental health training, on the other hand, has a positive impact across the entire organization, creating a culture of openness, empathy, and support. As employees become more aware of mental health issues, they’re better able to recognize signs of distress in themselves and others. This leads to stronger team dynamics where colleagues feel safe discussing challenges and offering support—reducing stigma, aiding burnout prevention, and boosting morale.

5. Types of Expertise

Lastly, the kind of professional expertise offered is another way to distinguish between EAPs vs mental health training. EAP programs provide access to licensed counselors or therapists—professionals with the clinical training and experience to offer personalized, confidential support.

Mental health training, like Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), is led by trained educators who specialize in raising awareness and building empathy within groups. While MHFA educators don’t have the clinical training of licensed counselors, they are experts in teaching employees how to recognize early signs of mental health issues, offer initial support, and connect individuals with professional help when necessary. They take an evidence-based approach to their work and have a keen understanding of mental health in the workplace.

Is Mental Health Training the Same as Employee Benefits?

No, as you can see, there are several ways to differentiate between the two. While both options can produce meaningful results in terms of improving work performance, stress management, and burnout prevention, they aren’t exactly the same.

Overall, EAP is tailored toward individual employees, while corporate mental health training is designed to boost employee well-being throughout the workplace.

Taking Action: What You, as an Employer, Can Do Now

You know the difference between employee assistance programs vs mental health training, now it’s time to use this knowledge to better your business.

While EAPs provide confidential support, offering mental health training in addition to EAP services takes workplace wellbeing a step further. It creates a proactive environment where mental health is understood and openly discussed, giving your team the tools to spot signs of distress, respond with empathy, and drive positive change. 

Don’t wait. Together, we can be catalysts for change and create an environment where success is inevitable.

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The Mental Health of Frontline Workers: Why It’s Declining and What Needs to Change Wed, 16 Oct 2024 16:11:23 +0000 Frontline workers are essential to the businesses and organizations they work for. They’re the direct link between their employers and the general public, making them an integral part of keeping customers satisfied, maintaining a positive image, and achieving operational efficiency. Without them, it becomes nearly impossible to keep everything running smoothly. But are they receiving …

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Three frontline employees stand together in a warehouse, wearing safety vests and hats, representing the importance of supporting frontline workers.

Frontline workers are essential to the businesses and organizations they work for. They’re the direct link between their employers and the general public, making them an integral part of keeping customers satisfied, maintaining a positive image, and achieving operational efficiency. Without them, it becomes nearly impossible to keep everything running smoothly.

But are they receiving the respect and acknowledgement they deserve? Are organizations providing the level of support needed? And, most importantly, is enough being done to protect the mental health of frontline workers?

According to a recent study, the answer to these questions is a resounding “no”—indicating the need for real, immediate, and meaningful change.

Keep reading to explore who frontline employees are, the unique challenges they face, and why they need to be considered when addressing mental health in the workplace.

Who are Frontline Workers?

A frontline worker is anyone—no matter their background or field—who directly interacts with customers, clients, or those receiving services. They’re the face of their organization, representing the brand with every interaction. They play a key role in keeping communities and economies thriving by doing work that’s essential and deeply valued.

Are Frontline Workers Facing a Mental Health Crisis?

Yes, according to a recent study by meQuilibrium (meQ), frontline employees are 33% more likely to experience anxiety and 61% more likely to experience depression than non-frontline staff.

Other key findings from the study include:

  • Frontline workers are 30% less likely to seek out professional assistance when dealing with high levels of stress.
  • They’re 22% less aware of the benefits their employers offer compared to their non-frontline colleagues.
  • Frontline workers battling stress see a remarkable 70% improvement after receiving mental health training.

What Factors Contribute to Frontline Employee Stress and Burnout?

There are many reasons why frontline workers experience higher stress levels, burnout, and turnover rates

A few of the main concerns include:

1. Longer Working Hours

Shift work, staffing shortages, and last-minute customer or client needs all contribute to frontline employees working longer hours. Unlike managerial or administrative roles, who aren’t expected to be a first point of contact for the company, frontline workers must address unexpected challenges like last-minute customer needs or emergencies, before they’re able to clock out for the day.

2. High Customer Interaction

Frontline workers are in public-facing roles, which makes them more likely to encounter high-stress situations and negativity. Whether it’s having difficult conversations, handling complaints, or managing unrealistic expectations—the emotional toll of these interactions can lead to diminished morale and poor mental health over time.

3. Unpredictable Workloads

The lack of control over their workloads causes many frontline workers to feel unheard, unsupported, and overwhelmed. Their duties can vary drastically from day to day, leading to sudden spikes in their workload, which can be difficult to keep up with. This unpredictability negatively affects job satisfaction and well-being if the proper supports are not in place.

How Employers Can Protect the Mental Health of Frontline Workers

Employers have a responsibility to support the mental health and well-being of their essential workers. 

Here are three practical strategies that make a real difference:

1. Recognition Programs

When frontline workers receive acknowledgment for their hard work, it reinforces their sense of value and belonging within the organization. A recognition program could be formal, like hosting a monthly ceremony where awards and gift cards are given out, or they can be more casual, like encouraging managers to write personal thank-you notes when a frontline employee does an exceptional job. 

2. Anonymous Feedback Channels

Frontline workers should always have a safe way to express their thoughts and concerns without fear of judgment. Whether it’s a suggestion box, an employee survey, or a focus group with a third-party facilitator—providing your essential workers with the opportunity to voice their concerns is a must for maintaining employee engagement. It allows your team to present issues surrounding workload, stress, or interpersonal dynamics without the fear of repercussion.

3. Corporate Mental Health Training

Proper training is a transformative resource for frontline workers experiencing extreme fatigue and stress. It provides them with the coping skills needed to thrive despite high-pressure moments on the job. Plus, it fosters a supportive workplace culture where employees feel comfortable discussing mental health challenges, reducing feelings of isolation.

And remember, these initiatives don’t just benefit the mental health of frontline workers. They benefit business. Happier, more productive employees contribute to a positive reputation, which boosts sales and growth well into the future.

Be the Change: Invest in Corporate Mental Health Training for Your Frontline Workers

Imagine having a team of resilient essential workers who are fully equipped to thrive under pressure. Now imagine the ripple effects: reduced absenteeism, lower turnover rates, and increased job satisfaction

At Catalyst Mental Health, we bring this vision to life through transformative training experiences grounded in science and backed by evidence. Your team will leave our sessions inspired and fully equipped with the skills needed to thrive—that’s a promise!

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Building a Recovery Friendly Workplace: Employer Responsibilities and Opportunities Mon, 09 Sep 2024 22:39:59 +0000 There’s a common misconception that supporting recovery-friendly workplaces means endorsing substance use. Not only is this categorically false, but it’s a harmful mistaken belief that eventually becomes a barrier— preventing employees from accessing the support they need to overcome their addiction(s).  Supporting employees in recovery isn’t about condoning addictive behaviors. It’s about recognizing that addiction …

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A group of coworkers sit in a circle and console a distressed team member, representing workplace supported recovery.

There’s a common misconception that supporting recovery-friendly workplaces means endorsing substance use. Not only is this categorically false, but it’s a harmful mistaken belief that eventually becomes a barrier— preventing employees from accessing the support they need to overcome their addiction(s). 

Supporting employees in recovery isn’t about condoning addictive behaviors. It’s about recognizing that addiction is a medical condition that requires support, much like any other health issue.

When we create a safe space where employees can openly seek help without fear of stigma or discrimination, we provide a lifeline to those who are struggling and empower them to rebuild their lives.

Keep reading to learn more about how this approach can benefit your organization and make a lasting impact on your employees.

What is a Recovery-Friendly Workplace?

A recovery-friendly workplace is any professional environment that supports employees who are currently in or seeking recovery from substance use or mental health challenges.

Why Supporting Employees in Recovery Matters

  • Nearly 74,000 deaths attributable to substance use occurred in 2020 alone (Source)
  • The average lost productivity cost per employee with addiction is $589—an increase of 16.2% since 2007 (Source)
  • 14% of Canadians miss work or call in sick at least once per week due to alcohol or drug use (Source)
  • Approximately 21% of Canadians (about 6 million people) will meet the criteria for addiction at some point in their lives. (Source)

Employer Responsibilities

In Canada, employers must meet the legal and regulatory requirements, as set forth by the Canadian Human Rights Commission, when addressing addiction in the workplace. Failure to meet these obligations could result in fines and other punitive measures.

Examples of employer responsibilities include:

1. Being Respectful, Compassionate, and Non-Judgemental

Addiction is recognized as a disability under the Canadian Human Rights Act, and employers must accommodate it like any other health condition. This includes taking a supportive approach that reduces stigma, fosters recovery, and ensures a healthier, more inclusive workplace.

2. To Provide Reasonable Accommodations

Employers are legally obligated to make adjustments in an effort to support employees in their recovery efforts. This includes making confidential resources available to the person, granting time off for therapy appointments, or protecting the employee’s role while they attend a treatment program.

3. To Gather and Consider Relevant Medical Information

Employers must request and review all the medical information available to them. Employees struggling with addiction deserve to have their needs understood, and the proper review of medical information promotes a fair, compassionate response while protecting both the employee’s rights and workplace safety.

Employer Opportunities

There are many positive outcomes associated with supporting substance use recovery in the workplace. Knowing what these outcomes are, and how they help drive the accomplishment of larger business goals, is essential for any employer looking to achieve (and maintain) long-term organizational success.

The opportunities for a recovery-friendly workplace include:

1. Employee Retention and Productivity

Losing employees is costly in more ways than one. The recruitment process is time-consuming, often taking weeks or even months to find a suitable replacement. Then comes the onboarding phase, where new hires must be trained, which can disrupt team dynamics and hinder performance.

This is where a recovery support program changes everything. Employees are more likely to stay with companies that support their personal and professional journeys. Plus, by reducing the stigma around addiction and mental health, a recovery-friendly workplace allows individuals to fully engage in their roles without the fear of judgment.

2. Cost Savings

Supporting employees in recovery doesn’t just save you money by reducing turnover rates—it also prevents unplanned absences and reduces the overall healthcare costs associated with untreated substance issues.

Take on-the-job accidents, for example. They’re much more likely to occur when an employee’s judgment is impaired—leading to higher medical costs and workers’ compensation claims.

Additionally, untreated substance abuse contributes to more frequent emergency room visits, hospitalizations, medical leaves, and long-term treatment programs, which drive up insurance premiums for the entire organization.

3. Risk Reduction

Substance misuse poses serious risks to any professional environment. More specifically, it can lead to legal risks for employers if substance use is linked to accidents, harassment, or other incidents.  Workplace-supported recovery is one of the best ways to mitigate these risks. It helps businesses remain compliant while reducing the likelihood of discrimination claims, wrongful termination lawsuits, workers’ compensation claims, and other unwanted issues.

Be the Change: Offer Hope and Recovery Resources to Your Team

The recovery process is never easy, but it’s far more difficult when it’s faced alone. By providing resources and a supportive environment, you empower your employees to reclaim their health and focus, which in turn boosts their productivity and dedication.

Don’t wait for the problem to escalate. We’re here to help you reduce stigma, transform lives, and create an environment where success is inevitable. Ask about our corporate training sessions and our commitment to improving employee mental health.

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A Guide to Generational Gaps in Mental Health Tue, 23 Jul 2024 21:28:08 +0000 Employers face many challenges when it comes to mental health in the workplace. From demanding workloads, to cost-benefit analysis, or limited human resources—there are always hurdles to overcome in the pursuit of corporate wellbeing.  But one challenge in particular has quickly become a hot topic: Generational gaps in mental health and the need for inclusive, …

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Employers face many challenges when it comes to mental health in the workplace. From demanding workloads, to cost-benefit analysis, or limited human resources—there are always hurdles to overcome in the pursuit of corporate wellbeing. 

But one challenge in particular has quickly become a hot topic: Generational gaps in mental health and the need for inclusive, effective solutions for all employees.

Corporate leaders are realizing how vast and varied perceptions of mental health can be, especially when dealing with a multigenerational workforce. Initiatives that are well-received by younger generations often aren’t as welcomed by older employees and vice versa, leaving employers feeling discouraged and bewildered about how to affect meaningful change.

Fortunately, it is possible to create an environment where all employees, regardless of age, feel supported in their mental health needs. It just requires a deeper understanding of each generation, and the attitudes, values, and societal pressures that define each group.

That’s exactly what we’ll be exploring today.

A Guide to Generational Gaps in Mental Health


Why Should Employers Care About Generational Differences in Mental Health?

The era a person grew up in has a substantial impact on their view of mental health. Without understanding the unique perspectives held by each generation, it’s far more difficult to engage and support employees of different ages.

The benefits of an intergenerational approach to workplace mental health include:

1. Enhanced Collaboration

Bridging the generation gap encourages employees to see things from each other’s perspectives. When employers support their team members in relevant ways and acknowledge age-related perspectives, they empower employees to see differences as unique strengths. Younger employees start to realize they can benefit from the experience and wisdom of their older colleagues, while older employees discover they can gain fresh insights and perspectives from younger team members, enriching collaborative projects. 

2. Increased Retention

The mental health gap between generations in the workplace can cause resentment and conflict if left unaddressed. Eventually, employees may consider leaving your company for a more supportive environment.

The good news, though, is that most employees want to understand their colleagues better and collaborate effectively. With the right training, your team members can learn more about each other, and gain the necessary skills to work together as a united front.

3. Strengthened Organizational Culture

Businesses always benefit when employees feel like they truly belong in the workplace. By tailoring your mental health initiatives to the needs of your multigenerational team, and encouraging employees to tackle barriers together, you create a more dynamic and resilient culture where diverse perspectives can co-exist in a productive way. 

Generation-Specific Statistics

It’s critical to understand mental health stigma by generation. Employers must take historical context into account when addressing mental health in a work environment, including the availability and accessibility of information, changes in healthcare systems, and the portrayal of mental health in the media, among other factors.

Here are a few quick facts to keep in mind:

Baby Boomers (1946-1964)

  • 39% of women 50+ and 24% of men 50+ say they are more anxious now than this time last year. (Source)
  • Men around the age of 50 have the highest suicide rate of all age groups. (Source)
  • Baby boomers in the lowest income bracket are 3X more likely to have symptoms of depression than those in higher brackets. (Source)
  • 10 million Baby Boomers served in the military, including about 40% of the men of that generation. Many of these individuals still have either first-hand or vicarious trauma related to war. (Source)
  • 70% of baby boomers are caucasian, making them the least racially diverse generation. (Source)
  • Boomers are the least financially stressed generation, with just 9% saying they feel financial anxiety every day and only 44% feeling anxious about money three or more times a week. (Source)

Gen X (1965-1980)

  • 27.6% of Gen X say work-life balance is a critical concern, compared to 20.9% of everybody else. (Source)
  • Gen Xers are the most likely generation to say money has a negative impact on their mental health. (Source)
  • Gen X-ers have the highest average debt of any generation. (Source)
  • Gen X has significantly higher stress levels than other age groups, reporting an average stress level of 5.8 out of 10. This is notably higher than Millennials (3.4) and Baby Boomers (4.4). (Source)
  • Gen Xers were the least parented generation in American history due to the rise of dual-income households as well as high rates of divorce. (Source)

Millennials (1981-1996)

  • 45% of millennials believe they’ll live a less happy life than their parents’ generation. (Source)
  • Millennials are the least likely generation to identify with a formal religion, with 43% saying they “don’t know, care, or believe that God exists”. (Source)
  • Millennials are the most likely generation to die from alcohol and drug addiction. (Source)
  • 57% of millennials are afraid of getting older, making them the most aging-averse generation. (Source)
  • Millennials are most likely to feel comfortable speaking to an employer about feeling stressed or anxious, with 59% saying they’d have no problem doing so. (Source)
  • Millennials are the most likely generation to live paycheck to paycheck. (Source)
  • Millennials are the least likely to cheat on their spouses, with less than 10% of married couples saying they’ve experienced an affair. (Source)

Gen Z (1997-2012)

  • Gen Z are the most likely generation to say they often/always feel lonely. (Source)
  • Gen Zers are more likely than other generations to use wellness apps and digital mental health programs. (Source)
  • 42% of Gen Zers have been diagnosed with a mental health condition. (Source)
  • Generation Z is most likely to identify as LGBTQ+. (Source)
  • Half of Gen Z young adults say their men­tal health is neg­a­tive­ly affect­ed by not know­ing what to do with their lives, and almost three in five (58%) say they’ve lacked mean­ing or pur­pose in their lives with­in the past month. (Source)


Tips for Bridging Generational Gaps in Mental Health


1. Focus on Family

If there’s one deep-seated value that all generations share, it’s the desire to care for their families to the best of their ability. Employers can appeal to this core principle by prioritizing wellness initiatives that benefit not just the employee, but the employee’s family too.

Comprehensive family benefits packages that include services like therapy, prescription drugs, and health spending accounts can alleviate a lot of stress for employees and allow them to confidently care for their loved ones.

Additionally, offering free passes to community recreation centers, child care assistance, and flexible working arrangements can empower employees to prioritize their mental health and enjoy life to the fullest.

2. Avoid One-Size-Fits-All Solutions

Truly effective mental health support isn’t just a matter of available resources, it’s also about making those resources accessible to everyone. Older employees may prefer to speak to a therapist over the phone or in person, for example, while younger generations gravitate towards mobile apps and chat-based interactions.

The key is to give your employees the freedom to choose the method of delivery that best suits their needs and preferences. When uncertain, providing a variety of options is more beneficial than limiting them.

3. Emphasize Growth and Development

Another way to close generational gaps in mental health is to highlight opportunities for self-improvement. All generations view personal growth and development as a worthwhile endeavor and care about becoming the best possible version of themselves.

Corporate leaders can appeal to this intrinsic value by providing educational experiences that go beyond the hard skills required in the workplace.

Topics like effective communication, personal finance management, networking skills, nutritional wellness, goal setting and achievement, and leadership development can all nurture a sense of accomplishment and self-worth—contributing to a more motivated, engaged, and mentally resilient workforce.

Are You Ready to Prioritize Mental Health Across Generations?

We can help. Our personalized corporate mental health training sessions can be tailored to your needs.

Whether you’re looking to combat misinformation in the workplace, gain actionable strategies for addressing discrimination, or help employees in high-stress roles develop healthy coping mechanisms—our meaningful, highly interactive training experiences are the solution you’ve been looking for.

Let’s discuss ways to meet the diverse mental health needs of your workforce.

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Toxic Mental Health Messaging for Men: How to Unlearn What You Were Told Fri, 21 Jun 2024 14:14:54 +0000 You didn’t learn how to deal with difficult emotions in a single day. It’s actually quite the opposite—the way you cope today is the culmination of a lifetime spent observing, listening to, and learning from others. Most men can recall at least one formative childhood moment that shaped their personal narrative when it comes to …

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Three businessmen stand together engaging in an open conversation about men’s mental health.

You didn’t learn how to deal with difficult emotions in a single day. It’s actually quite the opposite—the way you cope today is the culmination of a lifetime spent observing, listening to, and learning from others.

Most men can recall at least one formative childhood moment that shaped their personal narrative when it comes to mental health.

It’s usually a story similar to the one below:

Robert was 9 years old. He’d been saving for months to buy a G.I. Joe action figure. Finally, he had enough to make the purchase. He excitedly announced the news to his close friends at school, as his father had agreed to drive him to the toy store that evening. 

After the last bell rang, Robert sat impatiently on the front steps of the school, waiting for his father to arrive. Ten minutes went by, then twenty, then thirty… until he could no longer contain his disappointment.

When his Dad finally arrived, forty-five minutes late, he informed Robert they would have to postpone their trip to the toy store due to a car collision that was blocking traffic. 

Robert began to cry, frustrated that his plans were derailed, and humiliated that he’d told all of his friends, who were expecting him to bring the action figure to school the next morning. 

Already irritated by the delay in traffic, Robert’s father showed no empathy for his experience, and responded to his cries with a sharp order. “Put on your seatbelt and stop whining. You’re a young man, not a baby.”

This is where mental health messaging for men begins. Even as a child, you were being exposed to language and behaviors that would become part of your internal dialogue.

Maybe you can remember hearing:

  • “You’re too sensitive. Learn to take a joke.”
  • “If you don’t stop crying, I’ll give you something to cry about.”
  • “Real men don’t cry.”
  • Man up. Life is hard, learn to deal with it.”
  • “Men don’t complain about their problems; they fix them.”

With messages like these, is it any wonder why we avoid talking about men’s mental health?

Plus, these messages don’t stop in childhood. They’re reinforced in adulthood as well, just in more subtle and conspicuous ways.

Let’s think about men’s mental health at work. What messages are conveyed in professional environments?

Oftentimes, it’s harmful messages like:

  • “Personal issues should stay at home.”
  • “It’s just work stress. Everyone deals with it. He’ll snap out of it soon.”
  • “Maybe he’s just not cut out for this job.”
  • “Did you forget your happy pills today?”
  • “We’re swamped right now. We can’t have you taking time off for therapy sessions.”

This is why it’s so critical that we start de-stigmatizing men’s mental health, especially in the workplace. It’s impossible to create change without actively working to counteract these unhealthy, ingrained messages.

Let’s explore what that looks like.

A Guide to Unlearning Mental Health Messaging for Men

1. Acknowledging Gender Differences in Mental Health Messaging

Both men and women experience mental health stigma, but it’s often in different ways. One example of this is how frequently mental health conversations happen in social circles.

It’s considered more socially acceptable for women to talk to one another about difficult emotions like stress, heartbreak, grief, etc, but it’s often discouraged amongst male friend groups.

Additionally, men are more likely to develop unhealthy coping behaviors like substance abuse as a means of coping with poor mental health, as these behaviors are normalized by other men in their lives.

If we are going to shift the narrative of mental health messaging for men, we must be conscious of the differences in how mental illness and stigma impacts men vs women.

2. Challenging Harmful Stereotypes

Did you know men living with mental illness are also more likely to be viewed as “dangerous” than women living with the same conditions? This can make others more hesitant to offer support, making men more likely to experience isolation, loneliness, and shame.

An overwhelming 58% of men also say society expects them to be “emotionally strong” and not show weakness, contributing to the stereotype that vulnerability in men is a negative attribute. 

It’s not enough to simply acknowledge these stereotypes. True and lasting change requires speaking up when we hear or see them playing out in our daily lives.

You can respond by saying things like:

  • “There’s no such thing as male or female emotions. We’re all human and how you feel is valid.”
  • “Don’t assume someone would hurt you just because they’re unwell.”
  • “He’s dealing with a health issue, just like someone with any other medical condition.”
  • “Imagine if it were someone you cared about; how would you want them to be treated?”
  • “His mental illness doesn’t define his character or his ability to do his job.”

58% of men also say society expects them to be “emotionally strong” and not show weakness, contributing to the stereotype that vulnerability in men is a negative attribute. 

3. Being Honest About Cultural Pressures

There are a lot of external factors that contribute to why men choose to suffer in silence. Cultural upbringing is one of the most influential. 

Many cultures place a strong emphasis on traditional masculinity, which discourages men from showing vulnerability or seeking help for mental health issues. There are even cultures and religious belief systems that expressly disapprove of modern psychology or any form of therapy.

With this in mind, it’s crucial to foster inclusive spaces where men feel safe to share their feelings and experiences without fear of judgment, which requires diversity training and challenging our own unconscious biases.

4. Encouraging Open Conversation About Men’s Mental Health

When it comes to men’s mental health at work this point couldn’t be more essential. Male employees should be empowered to have transparent discussions about how they’re feeling. It not only helps to reduce stigma but also allows for early intervention and support, preventing issues from escalating in the future.

Ways to encourage open dialogue include:

  • Establishing peer support groups
  • Promoting men’s mental health awareness campaigns
  • Holding regular check-ins with male employees
  • Organize lunchtime discussion groups
  • Plan stress-relief activities for your team

5. Promoting Male Mental Health Education

Offering education about mental health can really make a difference for men. It helps them spot signs of stress, anxiety, and depression sooner, so they can get support early on. These sessions also teach practical coping strategies and stress management techniques that work at home and on the job. 

You can provide access to online resources such as articles, videos, or webinars tailored to men’s mental health, or you can offer in-person sessions to equip men with crucial skills necessary to recognize and manage their mental well-being effectively.

It’s Time to Send a Different Message. Invest in Corporate Mental Health Training and Support the Men You Work With.

At Catalyst Mental Health, we specialize in empowering teams with practical skills like stress management, resilience building, and conversation guidelines, so they can better advocate for themselves and the people they care about.

The result? A thriving, productive, and supportive environment where everyone feels valued and understood.

Partner with us today and let’s lead the charge in shifting the narrative around men’s mental health.

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Emotional Regulation in the Workplace: A Practical Guide Mon, 27 May 2024 16:46:27 +0000 Let’s imagine a scenario for a moment: You’re in a team meeting and discussing the process of a major project. As an employer, your focus is on meeting the objectives within the allotted timeframe. The project has met most of the necessary milestones thus far, but there’s one element that’s still outstanding. You decide to …

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A woman’s hands are balled into fists, representing the need for employee emotional regulation skills.

Let’s imagine a scenario for a moment: You’re in a team meeting and discussing the process of a major project. As an employer, your focus is on meeting the objectives within the allotted timeframe. The project has met most of the necessary milestones thus far, but there’s one element that’s still outstanding.

You decide to raise your concerns and address them to the team member who is directly responsible.

“This task is two weeks overdue,” you state. “What seems to be the holdup?”

You think you’ve taken a neutral approach, but you notice the employee responsible is clenching their jaw and looking at you intensely.

“I’m not the only one with outstanding tasks!” They respond as their face starts to flush. “There have been a lot of unforeseen setbacks. Plus, I was sick last week and missed two days of work. Why are you singling me out? I don’t appreciate it!”

What happened here?

You might conclude the employee is being unreasonable or unprofessional, but what if you dig a little deeper?

You might learn the employee was called out and publicly embarrassed by a former employer, which causes feelings of anxiety when their performance is discussed in a group setting. Or that they’re currently going through a divorce, which has left them emotionally drained and more sensitive to criticism. 

Regardless of the underlying factors that are contributing to the reaction, situations like these are an opportunity to prioritize employee emotional regulation skills and put strategies in place to prevent similar outbursts in the future.

Today we’ll be sharing the steps you can take to build resilience amongst your team members and make managing difficult emotions easier for all parties. Let’s get started.

What is Emotional Regulation?

Emotional regulation is the ability to manage and respond to your emotions in a healthy and balanced way. This includes recognizing your feelings, understanding their causes, and controlling how you express them.

Why is Emotional Regulation Important in the Workplace?

Emotional regulation is crucial in the workplace because it directly affects productivity, teamwork, and overall job satisfaction. When employees are able to effectively manage difficult emotions, there are fewer misunderstandings and conflicts, making the office a more pleasant place to be. Plus, being able to handle stress and setbacks without getting overwhelmed empowers your workers to stay productive and think through problems logically.

What are the Signs of Emotional Dysregulation in Employees?

Being able to recognize when an employee is struggling to control their emotions is the first step to implementing a solution. 

Here are the top warning signs to look for:

1. Low Tolerance for Stress

Employees might be easily overwhelmed by deadlines or challenging tasks and respond to increased responsibilities with frustration or anxiety.

2. Impulsive Reactions

You may notice employees responding in a sudden and heated way that seems disproportionate to the conversation. They might send emails or messages written in anger, for example, or snap at their coworkers over minor inconveniences.

3. Frequent Interpersonal Conflicts

When there’s a lack of emotional regulation in the workplace, employees struggle to maintain professional relationships with peers, managers, and other associates. They find themselves in the middle of misunderstandings more often and quickly become argumentative when there’s a difference of opinion.

How to Improve Emotional Regulation in the Workplace

1. Prioritize Relationship-Building

How well do your employees really know each other? This is an important question to consider, since we tend to be more compassionate and understanding towards those we’ve bonded with. 

Remember, 60-80% of all difficulties in organizations come from strained relationships among employees. You can get ahead of these issues by regularly hosting team building activities and establishing a culture of camaraderie and support.

Activities like scavenger hunts, show and tell lunches, lip sync battles, trivia games, and volunteer days all provide an opportunity for your employees to connect on a deeper level and establish mutual respect.

2. Don’t Assume the Worst

As a corporate leader, it’s your responsibility to ethically guide and manage your employees. Part of doing so effectively is believing in and respecting the people you’ve hired. 

When employees display emotional outbursts or fail to respond in a professional manner, it’s important not to assume ill intent. In most cases they’re not trying to sabotage your company or offend the people they work with— they’re simply overwhelmed.

Invite the employee to have a one-on-one conversation with you and gently inquire about how they’re feeling. Ask what circumstances are contributing to their stress or dissatisfaction and help them identify triggers. Then reassure them you’ll address the root cause together.

3. Provide Opportunities to Destress

Handling difficult emotions at work is nearly impossible if employees aren’t given a chance to distance themselves from their work and release any stress or negative emotions— which is why it’s crucial for companies to provide and support these opportunities.

Ideas for stress release in the workplace include:

  • Designated spaces where employees can unwind (outdoor gardens, designated quiet rooms, etc)
  • Subsidized fitness programs (gym memberships, yoga passes, etc)
  • Committing to meaningful meetings (eleminating unnecessary or unproductive practices, setting clear meeting objectives ahead of time, etc)
  • Offering flexible work schedules
  • Encourage social initiatives (book clubs, lunchtime board games, company sports teams, etc)

How Mental Health Training Supports
Emotional Regulation in the Workplace

We’ve covered the benefits of regulating emotions at work and tips for empowering your team, but did you know corporate mental health training is one of the best ways to achieve your goal?

At Catalyst Mental Health, we provide top-tier mental health training designed to instill emotional resilience in corporate teams. Our approach is rooted in actionable skills and strategies that empower your employees to thrive, even in the face of challenges. 

After completing our sessions, your employees walk away with the stress management techniques and problem-solving skills to handle any situation with confidence and composure. Because the ability to overcome adversity is the ability to succeed!

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can tailor our programs to meet your company goals.

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Detecting Employee Burnout: How to Spot Warning Signs in Your Team Mon, 22 Apr 2024 15:38:52 +0000 One common misconception about employee burnout is that it’s an obvious issue that can be spotted long before it has a major impact. Some employers even go so far as to dismiss the topic entirely, unaware of the detrimental effect it’s already having on their business. This can be the result of false beliefs like: …

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A male executive holds his head due to exhaustion, representing one of the signs of burnout in employees.

One common misconception about employee burnout is that it’s an obvious issue that can be spotted long before it has a major impact. Some employers even go so far as to dismiss the topic entirely, unaware of the detrimental effect it’s already having on their business.

This can be the result of false beliefs like:

  • “My employees are still showing up for work, so they can’t be that unhappy.”
  • “This is just a temporary rough patch. It’ll blow over.”
  • “All jobs lead to burnout eventually. People need to suck it up.”

The truth of the matter? Employee burnout doesn’t need to reach a crisis point to have significant and lasting repercussions. Even the slightest decline in engagement and satisfaction, if overlooked long enough, can put productivity—and profitability— at risk.

For this reason, employers must become adept at detecting employee burnout. Because more often than not, it manifests gradually, spreading throughout an organization and remaining unnoticed until its too late.

The good news, of course, is that burnout can be identified and prevented early. It’s just a matter of knowing the warning signs. Today we’ll be breaking down each stage of burnout and sharing the top indicators a problem may be present.

Let’s get started. 

What is Employee Burnout?

Employee burnout is a state of chronic stress and exhaustion resulting from prolonged exposure to high-pressure work environments.

What are the Stages of Employee Burnout?

There are three levels of employee burnout that employers should be aware of. Undesirable outcomes can result from all stages but tend to escalate in severity as the organization advances from one stage to the next.

The three stages of employee burnout are:

1. Subtle Disengagement

This is the initial stage of burnout in the workplace. Employees begin to show a decreased enthusiasm for their work. You may notice team members are no longer eager to take on new challenges or they may seem reluctant to put in extra effort. Participation in team activities also starts to wane at this point in the burnout cycle, as employees question their loyalty to the organization.

2. Decline in Performance

At this stage, there’s a noticeable decline in productivity and engagement levels. Employees may miss important deadlines or turn in work that doesn’t meet quality standards. They will only attend mandatory meetings or events outside of regular business hours and avoid social interactions with their peers. They’ll also refrain from sharing ideas or feedback, giving the impression they’re only interested in doing the “bare minimum”. 

3. Critical Overwhelm

This is when well-being and performance are severely compromised. Physical and mental health issues become more pronounced, and employees struggle to cope with everyday stressors. You may notice team members frequently calling in sick, sometimes for days at a time, or refusing to work extra hours. At this point, complications are inevitable and employers can expect significant losses in terms of productivity.

Detecting Employee Burnout: 7 Warning Signs to Look For

There are several key signs of burnout in employees, some more apparent than others. It’s important to familiarize yourself with these signs so you can take immediate action and support your team.

Here are 7 signs for detecting employee burnout:

1. Cynicism and Detachment

A lack of enthusiasm is one of the strongest indicators of burnout. Overworked employees lose interest in tasks they once found interesting or fulfilling. They also doubt the value of their contributions, making it difficult to feel connected to a sense of purpose. This ultimately results in a more pessimistic outlook on their professional role and workplace.

2. Procrastination

Even the most motivated and dedicated employees can reach a point of exhaustion. When this happens, they’re more likely to avoid tasks until the last minute in an effort to delay or avoid stress. Employers wondering how to detect employee burnout should look out for team members who turn projects in at the eleventh hour, or those who appear frantic before important deadlines.

3. Social Withdrawal

Overworked employees tend to avoid social events and interactions with their coworkers. The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly, burnout causes physical symptoms like fatigue, insomnia, and depressed mood— all of which make it difficult to muster the energy and motivation for socializing. Secondly, burnout often leads to job dissatisfaction, and when employees are unhappy in their roles they’re less inclined to prioritize professional relationships.

4. Frequent Absenteeism

Absenteeism is the most well-known method of detecting employee burnout, but it’s important to remember there are multiple ways absenteeism can present itself in the workplace.

Yes, using up sick days is a red flag, but employees who frequently show up late, fail to stay for their entire shift, or overextend their lunch breaks also engage in absenteeism. Awareness of these behaviours and addressing them quickly is the best way for employers to enhance job satisfaction and employee engagement.

5. Interpersonal Conflict

When people are experiencing burnout, their irritability and defensiveness increase, making it challenging to communicate effectively or cope with negative emotions. This means minor disagreements can quickly escalate to full-blown conflicts or even long-term resentments. 

Corporate leaders must be keenly aware of combative or hostile conduct, as it’s one of the leading warning signs of employee burnout.

6. Loss of Confidence

Professionals who are subjected to constant pressure to perform tend to internalize failures and setbacks on a deeper level, leading to intense feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy. As time goes on, these individuals become hyper-critical of themselves and struggle to feel valuable or successful within their roles. 

With this in mind, employers should always check in with team members to assess their level of satisfaction and support them in achieving their full potential.

7. Poor Attention to Detail

Burnout makes it harder to stay engaged in tasks, make decisions, or prioritize responsibilities. The mind and body are pushed to their limit, leaving little to no energy for tasks that would otherwise be manageable. This diminishes concentration and increases the likelihood of errors or omissions. 

If your team members are struggling to remain “locked in” on a task or project, it could indicate they’re overworked and functioning at maximum capacity.

3 Employee Burnout Prevention Strategies That Actually Work

1. Encouraging Open Dialogue

Open dialogue promotes transparency, trust, and collaboration. By having honest and transparent conversations with your team, you make it easier to pinpoint and resolve workload issues before they worsen. 

One effective approach is to schedule bi-weekly one-on-one meetings with your team members to discuss any challenges or concerns they may have.

2. Effective Workload Management

You don’t want your employees to be overburdened nor underutilized. That’s why it’s crucial to regularly evaluate the workload of each employee and ensure it aligns with their capacity and skills. You may need to redistribute tasks or provide additional support to specific team members in order to maintain optimal performance.

3. Mental Health Training Opportunities

Education is the foundation of corporate wellness. By investing in mental health training for employees, you empower them to recognize and manage stress in a healthy, productive way. Even a single session can help your team navigate challenges more effectively, reducing the risk of burnout and creating a supportive workplace culture.

Don’t Let Burnout Hold Your Business Back

Book one of our transformative corporate mental health training sessions today.

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